Welcome to our website
Jesus Christ is Lord. We seek to share His love and care.
Through these pages we hope to communicate not only our activities - worship, social events - but also our aims and vision.
Over time we hope to extend the scope with links to local and national websites. If you are new to this area or are looking for information about our church we hope you will find what you need here - and we look forward to meeting you.
If you have any queries - please contact us - All details are on the contacts page of this site
Environment Friendly suggestions from Christian Ecology Link:
Support organisations such as Traidcraft and Tearcraft in your purchases.
Ask your friends and relatives if they would prefer their gift money to be given to favourite charities. They could do the same for you.
If you buy a turkey or chicken, look for the free-range type.
Cut out in-between meal snacks and give the money you save to help others- a very appropriate way to commemorate the birth of Jesus.
Remember the simplicity of Bethlehem. Worship the King!
And don�t forget to recycle all those empty tins, paper and bottles. Please pass on postage stamps (there are boxes at the back of church).