Mildenhall Anglican Church

Churches Together in Mildenhall

Saturday October 3rd Prayer together 9am -9.45am at St.Mary’s Church.

All welcome- a time to pray for this community and other needs.

The church is open for individual prayer and time for prayer together:

Tuesdays  10-11am  with prayer service 10.45-11am

Wednesdays  4-5pm with Compline and Bible reflection 4-4.30pm

Thursdays 7-8pm with Compline 7.45-8pm

Fridays 10-11am  with prayer service 10.45-11am

Needing a listening ear, or someone to talk or pray with?

If you would like to contact one of the Prayercare

team, please phone (all 01638 numbers):

Sue Leathley 711930, Ann Leeks 718902,

June Flogdell 715073, or Jill Nunn 714775.

Prayer suggestions

1. The work of Water Aid

2. The world and governments facing the corona virus pandemic

3. The Braven-Giles family as they settle in at Bristol (please see the letter on the


4. The Diocese and deanery and ongoing plans for the new team

5. The schools, care homes, the lonely and vulnerable in this community, those facing

 financial hardship, users of the foodbank, all who are struggling.

Harvest Prayers

Creator God, for daily bread, and all who work

to bring your harvest home, we bring our thanks today.

Forgive our ingratitude, we who have so much,

yet waste what you have given.

For those whose harvest is poor, whose crops have withered,

water tainted, children starve, help those who bring relief

and bestow on us an unaccustomed generosity,

that all might share from your garden and all might sing your praise.

Creator God, provider of all we bring our thanks today. Amen.

Lord of the morning, of dawn chorus, rising sun, mist on water, day begun.

Lord of the noontime, sparkling water, of chattering voices, everyone.

Lord of the evening, of quiet breeze, setting sun, gentle waters, day that’s done, we

 praise and thank you Lord. Amen.

For the promise of harvest contained within a seed,

we thank you.

For the oak tree within an acorn.

The bread within a grain.

The apple within a pip.

The mystery of nature, gift wrapped for us to sow,

we thank you.

 Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer/Book of Divine Worship.

We give you thanks, most gracious God,

for the beauty of earth and sky and sea;

for the richness of mountains, plains, and rivers;

for the songs of birds and the loveliness of flowers.

We praise you for these good gifts,

and pray that we may safeguard them for our posterity.

Grant that we may continue to grow

in our grateful enjoyment of your abundant creation,

to the honour and glory of your Name,

now and for ever. Amen.