“Just 10” 7-8.30pm Wednesdays in
from September 9th
for 10 weeks. All welcome.
Teaching by J.John
about the 10 commandments-on DVD- funny, poignant, life changing. Canon J.John is a popular Church of England evangelist with an international ministry. He presents the Ten Commandments in a positive light showing that, far from being a set of rules to restrict us, they are the key to finding a framework for life.
This series is a chance to give our lives a MoT. It offers an opportunity to re-assess the values and principles that underlie all our relationships: life, relationships, community and work.
The list of commandments is generally framed as ‘do not’, this series reframes them in a positive way, with positive steps we can make to change our lives, so for the first week “Do not Covet” becomes “Find True Contentment”.
Please come along- and invite a friend to a series of 10 evenings addressing the 10 Commandments from a modern and applicable perspective.
We will need to sit socially distanced and wear a mask, but that need not stop our enjoyment, laughter and learning.
Please bring your Bible, plus pen and paper for any notes you may make.