St Mary's Mildenhall
‘Jesus Christ is Lord. We seek to share His love and care’
St Mary's MIldenhall is a large and impressive Grade 1 listed town centre church. It is of historical interest and attracts
many visitors. The nearby Cottage Rooms has a meeting room and toilets and kitchen facilities. This is the largest church in the Cluster and the worship is a mixture of traditional and more informal styles.
The Church is open daily from 9am to 5pm in the summer and 9am to 4pm in the winter. Please take the opportunity to come in, to pray be still or to look around. We welcome people to come and enjoy the peace of God’s house and the history of the church . An informative guide book is available to use or buy. Well behaved dogs on a lead are welcome to come in.
The church has a loop-system to aid those with hearing aids and has access for wheelchairs.
We are a Fairtrade church- we serve fair-trade tea and coffee after the service, sell fair-trade products and support Fairtrade fortnight.
A radio broadcast of the previous Sunday’s 11am service can be heard at 9am on Forest Heath Community radio station 105.3fm.
Times of Prayer Between 2. and 2.30pm on Wednesdays informal prayer service, and on Fridays from 9.45 - 10am in the Chancel, we pray for the church and the community. Everyone is welcome to come and join with the prayers. Or you may tell us of a prayer need and we will pray for you. A written request for prayer can be made at any time, the
church is open (please use the prayer box or board). God has promised to hear us when we pray,
Others times of prayer are published in the news sheet.
Caring Team there is a team of visitors who can visit you by arrangement. they can lend a listening ear. If you are housebound Holy Communion can be brought to you home. If you would like a visit, please ask sue 01638 71193
Exploring faith - opportunities to pray and discuss together - please ask about the smalll groups which meet in someone's home. Or, if you would like to find out more about Christian faith, prepare for confirmation, please contact Sue 01638 711930
Funday Sundays for children (accompanied by an adult ) during the 2nd & 4th Sundays. Bible stories and activities while adults listen to the sermon
Fun, Food and Faith Informal afternoons of activities, crafts, short service and tea 4-oo-5.30pm for all the family
Tinies for under 5's accompanied by an adult - for children to play, sing and adults to chat. Meet every Monday during term time from 10am - 11.30am
Lunch Club on third Thursdays of the month 12.30pm in the Cottage Rooms, Come along to meet others, chat and enjoy a good meal. to book a lunch or for more information ring Mary on 01638715054. There is also a service of Holy Communion prior to lunch at 11.15am
Coffee Mornings on the 1st Friday of the month 10am - noon in the Cottage Rooms. Fairtrade products are served and available to buy. this is a friendly time to meet and chat.
“The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth” Psalm 145:18
The caring team are a team of people who can lend a listening ear. They visit people who are unwell, unable to come to church or who have been bereaved. They take or arrange for Holy Communion if someone is unable to come to church for a period of time. They also provide a contact to everyone in the congregation who wishes to be part of this arrangement being linked to one member of the caring team.
Who’s who
Church Wardens
Jean Bates
Sandy Cooper
Deputy Wardens
Suzanne Turner
PCC Click here for pictures
Andrew Borrett - Deputy Chair
Audrey Jamieson - Secretary
Cath Whenmouth - Treasurer
Marion Turner
Roy Jamieson
David Palmer
Stephanie Palmer
Hugh Lachlan
Church Shop - Jean Bates
Deanery Synod Rep - Ann Leeks
Pastoral care - Marion Turner
Prayer chain - Stephanie Palmer
Prayer ministry Team -
Lunch club - Mary Rusted
Music Group - Sandy Cooper
Team choir - Trevor Nichol
Christian Aid -
Children’s Society
Dragalina Committee
David Palmer
Pauline Chambers
Beryl Secret Tues afternoons
Paula Bone Wed afternoons
Andy Borrett Wed evenings
Sue Leathley Thursday mornings